About Me
Hello, there! My name is Khalil Ayala. I am an aspiring writer and international communicator with a love for knowledge, languages, and pop culture.
Growing up, I have always been shy and quiet, but extremely curious of the world around me, so I spent much of my childhood reading, writing, and watching TV. Coming from a military family, I had wonderful opportunities to learn about different languages and cultures. This culminated into the desire to travel the world, learn new languages, and become a better communicator and writer.
I have my bachelor's in communications with the emphasis in digital media. I have experience researching, writing and editing articles revolving around pop culture media and aspire to branch out into many other topics.
Here is where I compile the articles, news, and reviews that I have worked on, as well as other projects revolving around design. You can also check out my resume as well.
“You can make anything by writing.”
C. S. Lewis